Monday, May 9, 2011


The tryout was Saturday.

The University of Cincinnati has one of the top dance teams in the world. There were girls from all over the world that came to UC this weekend to tryout for a spot on next years team.

The day was sectioned off into two main parts. Before lunch they did technique overview, then taught the dances. Then after lunch was the actual auditions. They taught the pom section first, and it was exactly what I expected. I picked it up very quickly and had no problems with learning that. Then they taught the jazz, this was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was technique after technique and it was very fast. It was not my style at all and I had a hard time picking up on it since they taught it so fast. After the jazz they taught the hip-hop section, it was also very fast paced and very hard to pick up on but I did a pretty good job with it. In the hip hop dance there was a really hard handstand and I could not do it, but most girls could. All of the girls that went were very good and had a ton of experience behind them.

About 80 people went but only 50 tried out, a lot of girls backed out after seeing the competition. Another group of girls just sent in videos because they were from out of town and could not make it down to UC for the audition. It was very intense. The girls were all amazing and had put a lot of effort into what they were doing and the competition was so intense that if anyone made even one mistake during the tryout they were written off because there were so many other girls who did it perfectly. While watching the other girls audition, I felt like I was on So You Think You Can Dance, or another dance show. They were all amazing and could have been on that show.

I did not make the team, I think if I went to a school that had a non competitive dance team or one that is not as intense I would have made it. But when it came to UC, only the best of the best dancers tried out, and I have not had enough practice or the dedication as a kid to be considered one of them.

I did make a friend there though, she did not make it either, but she was very nice and we decided to keep in touch so we will have a friend next year. She is from northern Columbus Ohio. Our mothers became friends too and have talked about having her drive down for a weekend this summer to visit. We talked about taking classes together at CCM next year or just going to fun dance exercise classes they offer on campus.

All in all it was a great experience and a lot of fun. After seeing these girls I realized this team would be too much for me and I would like to have free time next year. The girls who made it have been practicing everyday for hours since they were 2 or 3, and they deserved the spot. I have no regrets about not making the team or practicing more and I am glad I made a friend and got to see the girls who made the dance team for next year.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

3 days!

I am getting ready for Saturday.

I am going shopping after school for a new outfit to wear at the audition. I was told to look well put together and ready to perform. So not only does my hair and make up need to be done, but my outfit also has to pop. I need to stand out from the crowd. I am also meeting with my friend either tonight or Friday and she is going to tell me about her experience. 3 more days!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Counting down...

I am down to the last week. 4 more days until the audition.

All the work I have done comes down to this, and I still do not feel ready. I have a few papers I need to fill out, a few last minute practices and I need to choreograph a section for the jazz portion that showcases my flexibility.  The actual audition is Saturday and goes from 9 to 5. Check in is at 8:30 and if you make it you have to stay for a meeting afterwards.

They start stretching at 9 and teach all materials then, there is a section of sideline dances  then they go into the actual routines for the day. They make the first cut during this section, whoever is not picking up on choreography fast or does not look like they have what it takes for the team. After they make the first cuts they break for lunch, whoever is left at this point gets an actual audition. 

I am sort of worried about learning a dance that quickly and being able to get the technique down and perfect. 

I heard it is important to dress in tighter form fitting clothes and have hair and makeup done like  it is a major performance. They are looking for someone who can not only dance but has the look and really makes an impression that they want to be there.

I have dance practice tonight and I was planning on meeting up with my friend who tried out for Ohio States team tomorrow to see if she had any pointers for me.

I am very excited to get there and see how I do. But I am also very excited for all this to be over!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2 weeks!

A little less than two weeks left until tryouts.

I am excited but nervous at the same time. Part of me really wants to make it because I have put a lot of work into this and I would want to continue dancing. The other part, though, thinks it may be very time consuming. I have heard freshman year of college is very hard and it would be hard to fit in practice time. I also know CCM has dance classes during the day on campus, so if I do not make the team I can always take a few classes instead. I think making the team would be a good experience, but I will not be too disappointed if I do not make it.

I am also nervous to see the competition. I wounder how many girls will be there and how many open spots there are on the team for new girls.

I have practice tonight with a girl who was on the team in the past. She is going to give me some last minute tips and show me how I will need to act at tryouts. She also told me I will need to start picking out what to wear at the tryout because they want everyone to look like a performer. I have a few outfit choices picked out already, she said she would help me find the best one to help me stand out.

I have been practicing my turns and leaps. I can do a really strong left leap and an okay leap on my right. my center leap has improved, my toe touches have gotten alot better, and I can do a clean double pirouette. When it comes to the handstands, I still can not do them, but I can do a few different hip-hop stalls. I have been practicing my fouettes alot too, on a good day I can do about 4 or 5 in a row, but other days I can't even do two. I am just hoping I am having a strong turn day the day of the tryouts.

I am very excited to finally get there and tryout for this team!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The tryout day

When I first started this project I thought the dance team at the University of Cincinnati would be very similar to my dance team in high school. This has been very intense so far, I did not realize how much I never learned how to do because I never took ballet or technique classes as a kid. Two months is not enough time to get all the technique done but I have been trying my best. I talked to a few people and found that JV is very similar to high school dance. I would want to make JV my first year if I make it at all. Varsity practices a lot more and get very intense around the competition time.

My friend just recently tried out for the dance team at Ohio State University. She told me all about the competition between the girls and what kind of people went. She told me about learning the dance and the tryout itself. She did not make the team, but she said it was a great experience and has no regrets. She told me that everyone that tried out looked like they could have been trying out for so you think you can dance. They were all really good and very serious about dance.

It all depends on who tries out this year, it could be a really good class or a not so good class of girls trying out. There is also a limited amount of people they can take on the team. My friend told me there was about 100-200 people that tried out the day she did. I am expecting about the same for UC.

I am starting to get very nervous about the tryout but I am also very excited. It will be a good experience whether or not I make it and I am very excited to see my competition!


 The past month has gone by very fast I am down to the last 3 weeks until tryouts. I have made a lot of progress since I started but I still have a lot of work to do.

I am meeting with one of the girls who have been helping me tomorrow. Last week we worked on handstands and hip-hop. She was impressed when she taught me one of University of Cincinnati's old hip-hop dances and I picked up on it very fast. I do not like being upside down though, so handstands are a big challenge. She told me they do a lot of stunts and handstands in their dances, even some of the simple basketball performances, so that is a must when it comes to tryouts. There is one handstand that is more like a hip-hop stall, the only difference is your legs are bent and its more like rocking into it than staying in a full handstand with straight legs. She taught me how to do those and I have been practicing that. They are still very hard but a lot easier than a handstand.

I have also been working on flexibility. I will need to get my splits for kicks, leaps and other tricks the team will do next year.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Checklist progress.

After almost a month of practicing for tryouts I have made alot of progress.

(1) Turns:              double, triple, and quadruple pirouettes
fouette turn combination (will be taught during overview)

Pirouettes - I can do a good single and a clean double. I can do a triple every once in awhile too.

Fouette -  I have also been practicing these but I have not gotten very far. I can do about two clean then they start looking worse and worse. I have Been taught a lot of balancing activities and strengthening activities that will help with the turns. They will also teach a turn combo during the tryouts.

(2) Leaps/Jumps:   grande jete
leap in second (center)
toe touch
turning disc
Grande jete - I can do these. They are just a simple leap. I just have to work on pointing my toes and getting my legs higher. 

Leap in second - I should be able to do these considering I can do a really good toe touch. But they are different. I just need to work on getting my legs higher and pointing my toes again with these, I also need to work on the prep for getting myself higher.

Toe touch - This is my strongest out of all the technique. Since I have always done hip hop and pom toe touches are thrown in those a lot. The other technique listed is mainly associated with ballet and wasn't used much with the dance team. I love toe touches!

Calypso - I can do these also but the prep can sometimes be hard to get myself in the air. I tend to go towards the ground when I do these and I've been told to focus on getting myself up instead of just turning.

Turning disc - This is basically the same as a calypso. The problems are all the same.

(3) Hip-Hop Stall/Hand Stand:

Stall - I can do a few different stalls. Some are (of course) easier than others and there is a few I have seen or learned that look pretty cool. A big part of this part of the tryout is creativity with the stall. The cooler it is, the better chance I have.
Hand stand - I cannot do a handstand. I was told just to practice against a wall, but that is not going to well. The stall is more important so I am not too worried about this one.

(4) Demonstration of Flexibility:

They will ask me to do something in the dance that shows I have a skill doing something that was not listed in the list above during the jazz portion of the dance. It can be a back walkover, a certain jump or leap, a crazy kick, a leg hold, or anything else I can think of. I have not really thought about what I wanted to do yet for this part but I am considering a C jump. (Explained below)
C jump - also called a star jump, is basically done by throwing your arms and legs back and your head pointed to the sky. Looking at this jump from the side your body makes a C shape. Picture bellow. This jump will show flexibility in the back and legs and can be really cool if done correctly.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Team USA

University of Cincinnati won the title of Team USA last year. They competed in the Hip-Hop, Pom and Jazz categories. These are their UDA nationals videos.

Pom (2011)

Jazz (2010)

Hip-hop (2011)

Hiphop (2010)

The Perfect Dancer

I have been practicing everyday for the tryouts. I can almost do the turns now and I have some of the leaps/jumps down. I talked to one of my good friends that I haven't seen in a long time and she told me she is trying out for the dance team at Ohio State. She has been doing competitive ballet her whole life so she is very good at leaps and turns. Although she has very good technique she has never done hip-hop or pom. We got together last night and it turned out everything she could do, I couldn't. Yet everything I could do, she couldn't. I taught her all about hip hop and pom and I showed her some moves and steps. I also showed her all of the basic pom arm movements that are in every pom dance. Then she showed me tricks to doing leaps and turns. She also showed me some ballet warm ups and jazz moves. We decided that together we would make one perfect dancer!

Hip-Hop Stall/Hand Stand

Finally the Hip-hop stall/Hand stand.

Everyone knows what a basic handstand is of course. Just standing on your hands upside-down. But this is much easier said then done.

Hip-Hop Stall - A hip-hop stall is very similar to a handstand but instead of being completely straight like in a handstand there are many kinds of stalls. There is no wrong way to do a stall and all it is is a pose that is in the middle of a dance. Normally somthing balancing on your head or hands. These stalls are very common in alot of hiphop dances, but of course some are harder than others. Here are a few picture examples.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Leaps/jumps part two

There are two more leaps/jumps on this list.

The first is a
toe touch - a toe touch is a jump. All you do is prep then jump up. The object is to get your legs straight out like the center leap but without a running start to it. Some say this is more difficult then a center leap. I personaly like these better. This picture was taken of me during spring break on the beach. Toe touches are my favorite!

calypso - This leap is the same as the turning disc. The only difference is the prep. A turning disc is more of a turn but a calypso is more the position of the jump. I couldn't find another picture that was good. So I am using the same one as the turning disc.


Leaps/Jumps part one.

Next are the leaps and jumps.

 basic split leap or the Grande Jete - this is just how it sounds. A basic split leap. These are very common and Its just like doing splits in the air. This picture shows a girl doing a regular leap. Keep your toes pointed, your head up and your legs flat and thats all there is too it.

leap in second (center leap) - A leap in second, or more commonly known as the center leap is a leap that turns to the side for the jump having your legs out to both sides of you instead of one in front and one in back like the grande jete. This leap is like a toe touch but has a running start to it.


turning disc - a turning disc is almost the same as a calypso but it instead starts with a shenae turn instead of a run like a calypso would. To do a turning disc you have to keep your first leg straight and your back leg bent at a 90 degree angle. Most people curve their back too during this turn. Like shown in this picture.



 For those of you who do not know what these terms mean, these next few posts should help.

double, triple, and quadruple pirouettes - a pirouette is the most basic turn for dance. It is used in all kinds of dance combinations no matter what dance style it is. Anything from ballet to pom to hip hop there are turns.  Here is a picture...

fouette turn combination - these are a little more complicated because you use your legs momentum to get yourself around. Also balance and strenght is very important with these turns.

There are also two kinds of fouette turns. There are straight leg and bent leg turns. The ones shown in the video are bent leg turns. That is when she brings her leg in during the turn. The one I am learning is a straight leg. This is where you keep your right leg out and straight the whole time you are turning.


I looked on UC's website and I found the list of technical elements I will need to do at the tryout to make the team.

(1) Turns:                  double, triple, and quadruple pirouettes
fouette turn combination (will be taught during overview)
(2) Leaps/Jumps:   grande jete
leap in second (center)
toe touch
turning disc
(3) Hip-Hop Stall/Hand Stand: You must demonstrate one hip-hop stall of your choice. This should showcase your talent and strength. Be creative and impressive.
(4) Demonstration of Flexibility: You will be asked to showcase your flexibility with strength and control during the jazz portion of the routine.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Welcome to Lori's dance blog!

My  name is Lori Kaufman. Dance has always been a big part of my life. I have been taking classes since I was very little and when I got into high school I decided to try out for the school's dance team. I loved performing in front of the school and feeling like I was part of a team. I have never been real competitive with dance, and I have never taken ballet, so I have never learned some of the skills and technique that the dancers use in their performances in college. Next year I am going to college at the University of Cincinnati, but I am not ready to move on from dance. I have looked into college dance teams compared to high school dance teams and I want to know what it takes to make a college dance team.

When I found out I had to do a project for my Capstone class, right away I thought about dance teams  and the expirience I have had with the team at my high school. I also thought about college and dance teams there. I have many questions:
How different are they?
Would it matter which college I choose?
Will it be fun to be on a team in college?
How much time will it take up?
and most importantly. What will it take for me to make a college level dance team?
I decided to use those questions in my project and start this blog to post my thoughts, experiences, and progress while I try to learn all the technique it takes to make a college dance team.

I have done tons of research and met some girls that were on the dance team at UC and they told me all about it. UC was team USA for UDA (Universal Dance Association) a few years in a row. Once I found that out I questioned whether or not I am good enough to compete against girls who have been doing competitive dance for years to get a spot on this team. I had almost two months before tryouts when I started meeting with a few girls and started training to learn the technique I never learned.

So now my main question is: Is two months enough time to learn the technique and skills required to make a college level dance team? I am about to find out.