Monday, April 11, 2011

Checklist progress.

After almost a month of practicing for tryouts I have made alot of progress.

(1) Turns:              double, triple, and quadruple pirouettes
fouette turn combination (will be taught during overview)

Pirouettes - I can do a good single and a clean double. I can do a triple every once in awhile too.

Fouette -  I have also been practicing these but I have not gotten very far. I can do about two clean then they start looking worse and worse. I have Been taught a lot of balancing activities and strengthening activities that will help with the turns. They will also teach a turn combo during the tryouts.

(2) Leaps/Jumps:   grande jete
leap in second (center)
toe touch
turning disc
Grande jete - I can do these. They are just a simple leap. I just have to work on pointing my toes and getting my legs higher. 

Leap in second - I should be able to do these considering I can do a really good toe touch. But they are different. I just need to work on getting my legs higher and pointing my toes again with these, I also need to work on the prep for getting myself higher.

Toe touch - This is my strongest out of all the technique. Since I have always done hip hop and pom toe touches are thrown in those a lot. The other technique listed is mainly associated with ballet and wasn't used much with the dance team. I love toe touches!

Calypso - I can do these also but the prep can sometimes be hard to get myself in the air. I tend to go towards the ground when I do these and I've been told to focus on getting myself up instead of just turning.

Turning disc - This is basically the same as a calypso. The problems are all the same.

(3) Hip-Hop Stall/Hand Stand:

Stall - I can do a few different stalls. Some are (of course) easier than others and there is a few I have seen or learned that look pretty cool. A big part of this part of the tryout is creativity with the stall. The cooler it is, the better chance I have.
Hand stand - I cannot do a handstand. I was told just to practice against a wall, but that is not going to well. The stall is more important so I am not too worried about this one.

(4) Demonstration of Flexibility:

They will ask me to do something in the dance that shows I have a skill doing something that was not listed in the list above during the jazz portion of the dance. It can be a back walkover, a certain jump or leap, a crazy kick, a leg hold, or anything else I can think of. I have not really thought about what I wanted to do yet for this part but I am considering a C jump. (Explained below)
C jump - also called a star jump, is basically done by throwing your arms and legs back and your head pointed to the sky. Looking at this jump from the side your body makes a C shape. Picture bellow. This jump will show flexibility in the back and legs and can be really cool if done correctly.

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